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DRC Taxes: An Overview

DRC Taxes: An Overview
The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is a large and resource-rich country in Central Africa. It has a population of about 87 million people and a GDP of about $50 billion. The DRC has a complex and evolving tax system that affects both domestic and foreign businesses operating in the country. This article provides a brief overview of some of the main taxes that apply in the DRC, based on the information available as of December 2022.
Ben Kabongo | 25/6/2023

Create your company in DRC

This blog post on "Insights and Analysis: The Smart Lawyer Blog" will provide you with valuable information on how to create your company in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Discover the smartest way to navigate the legal system and ensure your company is set up for success.
Smart Lawyer DRC | 23/6/2023

Simplifying Company Creation in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Starting a business is a significant endeavor that can drive economic growth and create employment opportunities. In recent years, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has taken steps to simplify the process of company creation, making it easier for entrepreneurs to establish their businesses. This article explores the efforts made by the DRC government to streamline company creation procedures, the benefits of these reforms, and the resources available to support aspiring entrepreneurs.
Smart Lawyer DRC | 22/6/2023
42, Avenue Tombalbaye
C/Gombe, Kinshasa DRC
+243 82 7777 182
+243 84 5005 555

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